Temp Brittle Bone Disease AP
- Multiple Fractures from Metabolic Bone Disease, being Falsely Attributed to Inflicted Child Abuse… Harold E Buttram
- Multiple unexplainedfracturesininfants–theneedforclearthinking, Carole Jenny
- Critical review of ‘temporary brittle bone disease, Kenneth L. Mendelson
- Does temporary brittle bone disease exist? Not by the evidence offered, Feldmans brev till Acta Paediatrica
- Shaken Baby Syndrome: actual innocence petition, Kent R. Holcomb
- The death of temporary brittle bone disease is premature, Marvin Miller
- Does temporary brittle bone disease exist? Not by the evidence offered, Gabriel Otterman , B.S. Spivack – brev till Acta
- Temporary brittle bone disease: fractures in medical care, Colin R Paterson
- Vitamin D deficiency rickets and allegations of non-accidental injury , Colin R Paterson
- Ett rättsfall, Storbritannien
access_time 2016-03-09 17:42:56