Pediatric radiology supplement
Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) 2014
- Dating the abusive head trauma episode and perpetrator statements: key points for imaging, Catherine Adamsbaum
- Imaging in abusive head trauma: an in-depth look at current issues, Catherine Adamsbaum & Marilyn Barr
- Imaging of skeletal injuries associated with abusive head trauma, Ignasi Barber & Paul K. Kleinman
- Crying as a trigger for abusive head trauma: a key to prevention, Ronald G. Barr
- The eye in child abuse: Key points on retinal hemorrhages and abusive head trauma, Gil Binenbaum & Brian J.
- Distinguishing accidental from inflicted head trauma at autopsy, Mary E. Case
- Long-term outcome of abusive head trauma, Mathilde P. Chevignard & Katia Lind
- International issues in abusive head trauma, Lori D. Frasier & Patrick Kelly & Majid Al-Eissa & Gabriel J. Otterman
- Alternate theories of causation in abusive head trauma: What the science tells us, Carole Jenny
- Spinal injuries in abusive head trauma: patterns and recommendations, Alison Kemp & Laura Cowley & Sabine Maguire
- Diagnostic guidelines in abusive head trauma: key recommendations of a French public hearing, Anne S. Laurent-Vannier
- Diagnosing abusive head trauma: the challenges faced by clinicians, John M. Leventhal et al
- Update on injury mechanisms in abusive head trauma – shaken baby syndrome, Jeyendran Nadarasa et al
- Pediatric Radiology Supplement on Abusive Head Trauma, December 2014
- Retroclival collections associated with abusive head trauma in children, V. Michelle Silvera et al
- Epidemiological data on shaken baby syndrome in France using judicial sources, Anne Tursz & Jon Mark Cook
- Imaging abusive head trauma: why use both computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging?, Elida Vazquez et al
access_time 2016-03-07 17:28:56